Showing posts with label sxa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sxa. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Remove format on paste in SXA Experience Editor

The experience editor uses the contenteditable feature. To remove formatting on paste you cannot use the Telerik RTE feature, because that one isn't used.

To solve, I've created a new Editing Theme in the medialibrary\Base Themes:

Upload the editor.js file containing:

window.$xa(document).ready(function () {
    $('[contenteditable]').on('paste', function(e) {
     var text = '';
     if (e.clipboardData || e.originalEvent.clipboardData) {
       text = (e.originalEvent || e).clipboardData.getData('text/plain');
     } else if (window.clipboardData) {
       text = window.clipboardData.getData('Text');
     if (document.queryCommandSupported('insertText')) {
       document.execCommand('insertText', false, text);
     } else {
       document.execCommand('paste', false, text);

Then add My Editing Theme to the Editing Theme of your site:

Now you can do paste from word without keeping the content. Happy content editors, happy developers!

Cheers, Luuk

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Extend Sitecore SXA metadata with hreflang and better favicon support (pt. 2 - hreflang)

When you're creating a multi lingual site, you probably want to tell the search engines to tell where to find the content in a different language. The way to do this is using hreflang.

Using the hreflang from the MetadataExtended this is really easy peasy!

You'll only have to add the hreflang rendering to the metadata partial design (like with the FaviconExtension in the previous post) manually, the rest is in the config.

The idea is that you don't use the language cookie, but always use the language from the url. To do so we need to enable the custom link manager and add a pipeline to remove the language cookie:

<configuration xmlns:patch="">
    <linkManager defaultProvider="sitecore">
        <add name="ExtendedLinkProvider" 
             type="SXA.Feature.MetadataExtended.Providers.ExtendedLinkProvider, SXA.Feature.MetadataExtended" 
      <patch:attribute name="defaultProvider">switchableLinkProvider</patch:attribute>
        <processor type="SXA.Feature.MetadataExtended.Pipelines.HttpRequestProcessed.LanguageCookieRemover, SXA.Feature.MetadataExtended" resolve="true" />

Then enable the ExtendedLinkProvider in your SXA site, and disable language cookie support. Browse to /sitecore/content/{tenant}/{site}/Settings/Site Grouping/{site} and update the Link Provider Name. You'll also need to set the disableLanguageCookie to true:

The ExtendedLinkProvider does a bit of magic, it adds the language to the url for all languages, except for 'en'. You can always modify this behavior, but I like it this way.

To get the right localized url which uses the displayname instead of the item name (see LinkManager config above 'useDisplayName'), you'll have to do something weird, I would expect that it works when you use the language switcher it will pick up the displayname in that language. Too bad it doesn't do that, you'll need to get the language item. But the language item itself doesn't add the language in front of the url, so wrapping it around a LanguageSwitcher does the magic:

var language = Language.Parse(languageCode);

// We have to get the language item for the right display-name
var languageItem = item.Database.GetItem(item.ID, language);

// And use the Language switcher to get the right language in the url
using (new LanguageSwitcher(language))
    return LinkManager.GetItemUrl(languageItem); 
    // NOTE: The actual code has an option to return the full server url
    // which is needed for hreflang

With this, you'll get the hreflang:

If you have any questions or issues, please hit me a message below or file a ticket on:

[dutch]Computer ze![/dutch]


Saturday, November 3, 2018

Extend Sitecore SXA metadata with hreflang and better favicon support

Sitecore SXA only supports a simple favicon OOTB. Because we have a full blown mobile supported website, we want to support all the native font formats as generated by For this I've created MetadataExtended feature for SXA.

To use it add the _FaviconExtended template to the Settings template that has been generated for your website:

After adding this template, you'll get a lot more options in the favicon section of your settings:

Here you can upload all the files that are generated by

Please note that the site.webmanifest and browserconfig.xml contain a link to an icon. There files are not automatically generated in the initial version, so update them with the right media path.

Now all we need to do is add the right rendering to the medatdata partial design (/sitecore/content/{tenant}/{site}/Presentation/Partial Designs/Metadata). You can do this by adding the rendering to the /sitecore/content/{tenant}/{site}/Presentation/Available Renderings and add it using the experience editor, or directly using the Presentation Details. And voila on the favicon checker, all is green!

On the next post I'll explain the hreflang extension.

All code is available on

Happy faviconning,
